The Saga of the Bar

In the beginning, the apartment was void, and there was no bar. And Lloyd looked at the emptiness and said, "There's this bar at Heritage Acres that my old roommates built. We can move it here." So Matt Humphreys was called upon to bring his truck, and many VTSFFC people volunteered to move the bar, for it was monstrous. It had been built in place at Heritage Acres, this L-shaped bar, with a cut-out and a shelf for a TV, and two poles which were rigged for holding "IV-bags" of alcohol, which always reminded me of M*A*S*H.

There were eleven people (consisting of at least: Matt Humphrey, Lloyd, Andy, Jeff, Miria, Rob Lee, Denise Rich, and Dave Sparrer) who moved the bar. Most rode in the back of the pickup. Jeff rode the distance with Rob. Rob started the car and the sounds of Jimmy Buffett came forth from the stereo. "You've been listening to Jimmy Buffett", "Well, I kind of have to, the tape deck's broken and I can't get it out."

Getting it out of Heritage Acres and into the truck wasn't so bad, though "into" the truck (a full size Ford pickup) may be a bit of a misstatement, as it hung out over the tailgate quite a distance. Now we needed to get it INTO Apartment 1. "It won't fit" "It's GOTTA fit"!!! The short part of the L was too wide to go through the door normal, and no amount of twisting and turning was going to get it up the stairs, through the front door, through the kitchen, to the living room. So we went over the porch railing and through the back door. How we got that thing in, I still don't know, but it involved a lot of heaving and grunting and compound angles. It's a good thing the railing was strong, as the bar got rocked over the railing while people climbed over to help drag it a little further. Jeff produced his Swiss army knife and sawed off the poles that once held IV-bags. Once it was in place, those who were over 21 and had $$ went and bought Bacardi's and Captain Morgan's and other such potent potables. Jeff's parents gave him stuff from their bar, mostly odd stuff like blackberry brandy and peach schnappes, bottles one-fourth or less full. But still, all the liquor made it look like a real bar, and we knew this would become Party Central.

The bar was the gathering place for watching "Star Trek: The Next Generation." It was the place where mail was dumped. Occasionally someone (usually Andy) would take the time to sort through everything, toss the junk mail and mail addressed to residents who had long moved away, and pile everyone's mail into neater stacks for further ignoring. It was the place to hide stuff during a frantic clean-up effort before guests arrived. Years later, with a graduation cleanup, was heard many a "so that's where that got to".

Eventually, Lloyd's 13" TV was superceded by a 25" TV, which did not fit in the opening. Thus, the large TV was placed directly above the opening, and a new shelf was made available for use.

The originators have heard rumors that the bar is no longer where it was placed that fateful day, but we rest comfortable in the knowledge that it is still in the same room, with no anticipation of ever departing.